The cosmic heroine struggles with surreal illness, danger and a return to her longed-for Mother Planet. In the meantime a depressed loft-dweller and a disconnected party girl become obsessive fans of the cosmo-heroine watching her struggle on their screens in grey reality.A wild animation in the form of a pair of psychedelic episodes shows the frantic attempts to find meaning and the characters' intricate journey from the world of illusion to reality.
Film title: SHOW (2023)
Duration time: 22:30
Animation technique: frame animation, digital drawing, 2D
Directing: Jagoda Czarnowska
Music: Bartosz Zaskórski
Sound: Bartosz Zaskórski

A student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, whose main activity is creating time- consuming, multi-element and intricate projects with which she then has to struggle. She animates, draws and paints, mostly surrealistic and symbolic motifs, and forces her friends and family to listen to her, telling her dreams. In her free time she thinks a lot, walks around Krakow at high speed, likes to observe people's faces, and is curious about ugly buildings and places.

SHOW - Jagoda Czarnowska