Red flag

The film touches on the dangers of toxic relationships. The loneliness of the main character gets interrupted by an unexpected visitor. Any intimacy between them doesn’t evoke a feeling of safety, but unrest. There isn’t an easy answer to the question of how to deal with the damage done.
Film title: Red flag (2023)
Duration time: 2:42
Animation technique: stop motion
Directing: Marcel Baran
Music: Szymon Szwed, Marcel Baran
Sound: Marcel Baran

Marcel Baran, born in 1999 in Kraków, Poland. He is a student at the Faculty of Graphics at the Fine Arts Academy of Kraków. Works mostly in the fields of photography and film. He publishes his analogue photographs in independent zines and photobooks, creates hand drawn animations and stop-motion shorts. He is interested in genre cinema and plays with references to known tropes and archetypes in his art. He regularly participates in art fairs and festivals all around Poland.

Red flag - Marcel Baran