The film raises the issue of an unexplained state of sadness, the cause of which, a young man has a problem to determine. Disappointment, regret, emotional loss and problems in the relationship of an adolescent.

Young boy, the protagonist of the film, tormented by insults by blue creatures, cannot cope with everyday situations. Because of it, he enters a vicious cycle of failures he cannot accept. He fall into despair and give in to endless insults. It turns out that the biggest threat to the boy aren't hateful creatures, but he himself.
Film title: Give it a break (2020)
Duration time: 11:31
Animation technique: 2D, drawn on paper + digital
Directing: Anna Waćkowska
Music: Adam Skrzypkowski
Sound: Adam Skrzypkowski

Anna Waćkowska - graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in the Animated Film studio. As she says about her work, she tries to tell a story and all sorts of unpleasant situations ...

- Anna Waćkowska